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We have raised $2,231,727 to date toward our $3 million campaign goal

"We will engage in new and compelling ways
to live into our age-old covenant to restore all people
to unity with God and each other in Christ."

The Rt. Rev. Scott Anson Benhase, 10th Bishop of Georgia


LEAD - The goal of clergy and lay leadership development is supported by strategies to enhance the train congregational leadership in organizational development, train and deploy coaches, and indentify teaching parishes.

  • Thomas BarronCoordinator of Community Youth Connections in Darien

    We're tutoring 30 kinds a year and then another 30 a year through after school and youth group programs. There aren't many programs like this in the county and certainly none that are free.

  • Alston WattChair of the Board of Oak Street Mission in Thomasville

    This neighborhood needs a lot of love and care. We always understood that in our heads but now we understand it in our hearts. All three churches are really committed to this work and mission.

  • Deacon Jonathan TuttleRector, St. John's and St. Mark's, Albany

    There's a tendency for parishes to be very clergy dependent. I think that's something that the Church Development Institute challenges and moves beyond.

  • The Rev. Billy AlfordRector, St. Alban's, Augusta

    We are an expansive Diocese, and as a priest, it can often times be isolating. The peer coaching relationships enable us to come together and seek insights and lesson learned from each other. This program benefits not only the priest, but their congregations as well. What does it mean for a community to have a confident and self-assured priest? I would argue a lot.


GROW - The goal of congregational development is supported by strategies to promote a signature outreach for every congregation, take advantage of special opportunities for growth, and plant new churches.

Make a Difference

With your gifts to the Campaign.


SHARE - The goal of sharing the faith with future generations through forming youth and young adults leadership is supported by strategies to set up intentional communities, deploy youth missionaries, endow a Canon for Youth and Young Adults.

Honey Creek

In addition to the three identified priority areas for the Campaign for Congregational Development, an ongoing concern for the Diocese is the growth, sustainability, and mission of Honey Creek. The goals of the parallel Honey Creek campaign are raising funds to retire the existing debt, upgrade facilities, and create and endowment for future capital maintenance and repairs.